Tuesday 2 June 2009

JAh.... hisashiburi desu ne...
I've got my lazy attitudes strokes me last month...
I was totally on the peak of it.
Make it worse... i catch a flu *how uncool...*. I blame Maxima's AC for my condition *sigh...*
Yesterday I couldn't even sleep until 4 o'clock
So, I skipped the class. I had a huge-rock-hit-my-head effect. I was also snorting every 30 second, coughing every 5 minutes *sound like an old man.....*
but now, it is better... but still... i can feel my nose thicker *khekehekeh... do you know what it is* and curling in my brother jumper...*i snatch it without permission*

actually, last month was full of incident... event *whatever it is* but you know... last month *up to know, actually* i lost my interest in doing anything bothersome... posting in this blog was on the top-3 list...

But I'll record it, now...
So, it will become some of the fragment of my memories that can cheer me up someday...
OKay!!!! NEt post, pleaseeee.... *ugh... I'm dying because of too much snort*

Friday 24 April 2009

Isogashii isogashii....

Ampunnnnn..... Diriku sok suibuk poool.. this whole week... nyaris mati kayaknya TT
ampun dah... tugasnya mitna ampun. megap-megap aja rasanya gak sempat.

But, finally... di tengha-tengah kesibukan yang ampun-ampunan, bisa juga nyelimpet hari daku bisa berleha-leha... ngenet malem (auw... kalo mbayangin next week will be like hell... errr...).

Ah ya, i came to fukatsu's gath last sunday. they called it LAN party.
Whew.. i got some doramas and anime (Yatta!!! HQ da yo!). They filled up my HD *sob.. sob...*
But, i was happy there. they were very welcome to me (as newcomer, stanger, aline, whatsoever hehehe). we had chat and laugh almost all the time. We invedad GM food village for 4 hours by buying a glass of drink as the ticket to let us stay there for sooo longgggg timeee...*soooo wicked...*

This sunday, i'll have my second sendai's gath in my house. hope it would be fun.

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Finally!!! I've got Sound Horizon 6th Story Moira... COMPLETE!!!! Yatta!!!
I didn't take the HQ one because of the connection.
I should be satisfied with the FLV.
after browsing~surfing for a long time, i found the concert video in a Chinese site.

here is the link:

Sound Horizon 6th Story Concert Moira

you can grab the video through clipnabber.

Tuesday 17 March 2009


The worst part of the week is approaching sob.. sob...
The first torment came from DISCOURSE ANALYSIS. That wasn't my best effort!
I didn't study at all and i got two test in a row this day. Could you imagine that?
But at least, i worked on it smoothly~ignoring what the result will be~
Okay, the second and third torment will be tomorrow. My first Micro teaching show*jeng jrererenggg...* and three papers for Pancasila*and i'm not done with them yet*

Today i got
  1. Yuna Ito [single] - Trust You ~Luv it... The song is shoothing~
  2. Kaori Hikita [Album] - Natural ~Dunno what to say... Haven't listened yet. It's a must for me to have it because some of the tracks are Kajiuran work~
  3. Fiction Junction - Parallel Heart [TV version] ~Goshhh... Only the OP version of it. Can't wait to have the full version. The single will be released ummm... April 29, 2009. Happy... That's my birthday!!!!~
  4. Hoshimura Mai [Album Duplo] - Piano Best CD 1 ~I could grab only the CD 1 sob.. sob...~
  5. How to decline invitation.mp3 mhuehehehe... Just kidding. but it's true i downloaded it for my microteaching material.
  6. KTSP for SMA... whueheueue... Duty is calling
That's all for today. Let see how bad Lumina will be tomorrow. See y!!! Back to my work.CIAO

Saturday 14 March 2009

I am falling in loooooveeeeeeeeeee!

Iyadaaaa!!!!! I'm fainted when hearing , listening, watching Joe Hisaishi Ghibli Live Concert 2008.
It is wuuuohderful aka wonderful heheheh...!!! And i didn't realize such an amazing composer this whole time! Wakh... stupid me, ne?*and extremely late!* definetely, i'll add him in my hunting list from now on!

If you look at the concert member, Whoaaaa... that's a lot of people involved and you can see a group of kids dressing in white and black also sitting on the stage~~ I haven't done watching all the concert*again... the connection is killing me* so i don't know what they will do.

This one from NausicaƤ - the Valley of the Wind

Another one, spirited away, i love this one!

Ukh... i do want the full video album for this concert, i've found the source but it is 1,10 GB. That's too big for me~~graugaraugarafraeijwiontvauio4nyvo45upacv4...

And... Tonari no Totoro......

Hikks.... cute! This brings back some old memories~~~

This person is familiar to me... Isn't she the one who sings with YUKI "sound horizon" in ROMAN?

Here is the tracklist*took it form ongaku music world^^*:

01 - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
1. Opening [Legend of the Wind]
2. Requiem ~ A Battle Between Mehve and Corvette
3. Tooi hibi (Days Long Gone)
4. Tori no Hito (Bird Person)

02 - Mononoke Hime
5. Ashitaka Sekki (Tale of Ashitaka)
6. Tatari gami (The Curse God)
7. Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) , Vocal: Masako Hayashi

03 - Kiki’s Delivery Service
8. Umi no Mieru Machi (A Town with an Ocean View)
9. Shoushin no Kiki (Heartbroken Kiki)
10. Kaasan no Houki (Mom’s Broom)

04 - Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
11. Deep Sea Ranch ~ Mother of the Sea, Vocal: Masako Hayashi
12. The Ponyo of the Fish of the Wave ~ Fujimoto’s Theme, Vocals: Fujioka Fujimaki
13. Rondo of the Sunflower House, Vocals: Mai
14. Mother’s Love ~ Little Sister ~ Mother and Sea’s Song of Praise
15. Gake no ue no Ponyo (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea), Vocals: Fujioka Fujimaki and Nozomi Ohashi

05 - Laputa: Castle in the Sky
16. Hato to Shounen (Pigeons and a Boy) with Marching band
17. Kimi wo Nosete (Carrying you) with Choir
18. Taiju (The Huge Tree)

06 - Porco Rosso
19. The Bygone Days

07 - Howl’s Moving Castle
20. Symphonic Variation ~ Merry-Go-Round ~ Cave of Mind

08 - Spirited Away
21. Inochi no Namae (The Name of Life), Vocals: Ayaka Hirahara
22. Futatabi (Reprise), Vocals: Ayaka Hirahara

09 - Tonari no Totoro
23. Kaze no toori michi (The Path of the Wind)
24. Sanpo (Stroll), Vocals: Chorus + All guest singers
25. Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro), Vocals: Chorus

10 - Encore - Princess Mononoke
26. Ashitaka and San

~~Jezzzz... this post ruined my blog. but.. too tired to take care of it~~

Friday 13 March 2009

Holi*3*days in a row!!!

Whohooo.... I've got 3 days off in a row. Gak kuliah.... Happy!!!! Muhuahahahhaahhh--haduh...

Next week will be rough.... i haven't done my poetry assignment, Material Development's printed lesson plan and Micro teaching preparation*sigh......*

Ah, another news...
I went to PSJ UI's blog and found my name listed there...

can you see that? i brushed out my real name hehhwhwhw... visit that blog to find out.
But, i saw something odd...

Look at the circle area... it should be showing my residence*giggle....*...
I really do live in Semanggi area but that is not a road name... just a name for a highway.

My songs this week :
Kalafina - Lacrimosa
Mizuki Nana - Shin Ai
Fictionjunction Keiko - Houseki *not the original one but in the Yuki Kajiura Live version*

My word this week:

Learning... :
2nd voice*is this the right term?!? I wonder...* in the song In The Land of Twilight Under The Moon~Yuki Kajiura Live version~. It's extremely difficult for an amateur like me to imitate Yuriko Kaida lalalala-part when Kaori do it too with different tone... sigh...

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Bikin forum

Waukhh... akhirnya cita-cita dari jaman alip tuk bikin event jepang mulai kliatan jalannya*hurray!!!!*
Last week, ditawarin untuk bikin forum jepang di jember.
Forum di Jember ini merupakan oloran *baca:branch heheheh* dari PUSAT STUDY JEPANG UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA.
Asyik asyik.... ni lagi nyerot anggota. Najemin mata and nyerot tiap orang biar ikutan.
Moga - mogawork well. Amin

Sunday 8 March 2009


Ampunnn dah... Internet lagi gila leletnya. Jum'at malem lalu q ngenet and...
It turned me down! Ngabisin sepuluh rebon, paketan malem direwangi gak hibernasi, bawa bekal, temenan sama nyamukhidung bolak-balik ngesrot-ngesrot tapi hasilnya...
Bahkan ngelot Kalafina gak mantun-mantun.... bolak-balik disconnect~~
Harus ngelot dari awal lagi dah, Huwaaaaaangggggg....
Pingin tak batek-batek, ulek, uncal, injek-injek kompinya....
Give back my money, time, sleeptime....
Desperate, padahal lagi liburan. Pinginnya dapet banyak lot-lotan, eh malah makan ati

Tapiiii,,, ada yang sedikit bikin refresh. ngeliat trailer pilmnya RADITYA DIKA. Phew,,, gak nyangka kalo he really did it. Pilmnya dah selesai and dah "dilepas" tanggal 5 lalu. jadi pingin nuntun,, wajahnya ternyata culuuun yak, pendek pula (sori bang Dika hwagahgwahgwahgwahg... jujur nih) . Untungnya gak item.

Btw,, i've made promised to my kids...
I'll get them some pokemon and eyeshield sticker...
googling dulu ahhh...

Jujur aja, belakangan ini ngerasa down.
Cuapeeekkk poool.... kebawa-bawa sampe ngajar juga *sob-sob*
Jadi ngerasa agak-agak judes sama orang...
bukan judes sih tepatnya,, tapi ngomong makin dikit.
Lebih transactional daripada interactional (huaduh.. keluar deh discoursenya, ngerti gak neh?)...

O y, Om Agam datang, he fixed the laptop! Yatta! akhirnya laptop ayahanda bisa bikin ngenet dah. Akhirnya speedy di rumah jadi bedaya guna lagi! Kita juga tuker info bout Japan terutama tokusatsu. He is addicted to tokusatsu. Mulai dari ultraman mpe Kamen Rider yang bejibun jenisnya dijabanin (baca: punya).
Pingiiinnnn.... Palagi dia sempat cerita about Tiga's movie...
rabu sutoori-na Daigo to Reina hauhahuahu... pingin tau dunk!!!!

Something made me shock!!
q accidentally ngeliat iklan realityshow di salah satu stasiun tipi(yang b'kaitan sama clbk, nyelidikin pacar gitu deh). and... kayaknya cowok targetna tuh someone i knew.
Woahh... kalo positip gak papa sih, tapi dianya tnyata sort of player...
Kaget aja soalnya jarang-jarang orang yang pernah kita kenal tiba-tiba nongol di tipi.
Dibentak-bentak lagi...Jadi penasaran pingin liat.


Friday 6 March 2009

Kalafina Single ~Lacrimosa~

Hauwuwuwu.... FINALLY!!!!
Seventh Heaven album, Lacrimosa, and Everlasting song are out!!!
Someone is kindly uploading them in the internet, arigatou nee....
Now, i'm in the middle of downloading them.
I've got the Lacrimosa single. It was so fantastic!

I like it!!! So Yuki Kajiura. She never failed to impress me
Kalafina, the group, sung it very beautifully.

but, i've read some comment that they dislike this song...

Yeah, i admitted that it was weird when the first time i heard it.
But, after i tried to sing the song. Tara~~~~ the song does work for me~~
Now, the song is enchanting in my head over and over...

My brother Should throw a slipper onto me to make my mouth stop singing the song heheheh...
Not because the song, but because my overly wrecked voice gyahagyahgyaghh...

Another mouth watering item (At least for me^^) is KALAFINA's limited DVD.
They include their live performance in the name of Kalafina (the previous one is not as Kalafina) and some PV's.
Those are truly worthy because they've never had live performance before.

After all of those are out, it's time to wait for Sound Horizon Moira Live~
It will be out this month but i don't know the exact date.
Hoping someone will be knindly uploading it. Amin.
Ughh.. the connection is really killing me!
The last part~~ finally... February report is ended here.
I had got more than 1000 items (mp3s and videos) last month.
Yuki Kajiura's Live DVD #2 was out in January, so i tried hard to get all of the video in two months. i wanted the high quality video so much but the snail connection won't allow me.
So, I should be satisfied to have some HQ ver and the other in LQ ver.

~Lumina Music Scroll~ for February 2009 part4

~Lumina Music Scroll~ for February 2009 part3

~Lumina Music Scroll~ for February 2009 part2

Second part of my scroll~~
Gyah... the connection is sooo slow!